Anna University New Syllabus Pattern 2017-18 for affiliated Colleges

     Anna University New Syllabus Pattern 2017-18 - Generating Employment Opportunities

Anna University is going to introduce a new syllabus pattern which is applicable for the students who are going to join in the academic year 2017-18. Students who are pursuing degree now will follow the same pattern which is currently held up. Main moto of this is to generate employment Opportunities for the Students.

New Syllabus Pattern 2017 Anna University

Anna University has decided to introduce new syllabus for all the students who are joining in the upcoming academic years. To generate the employment opportunities for the students University decided to frame the syllabus.Hence, This syllabus is expected come into force by the year 2017-18.

University Official said that, There are 400 staffs working on framing the new syllabus pattern. Every 4 year ones, University used to revised the regulation pattern for all affiliated colleges. Due to lack of Employment Opportunities prevailing across the state, we have decided to revise the pattern. Hence, All subjects for both UG and PG will have new syllabus pattern from next academic year. Officials also added that " Students can choose their elective by their own interest." For instance, If a Civil Engineering Students wish to Study a Electrical Engineering Subject, He can choose that subject as an elective. This New syllabus pattern will come into existence after getting approval.